Chimney Cleaning

San Diego Chimney Cleaning

Chimney Cleaning (sweeping) is the main job of a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep.

– We remove dangerous, flammable creosote from inside the chimney. Neglected & unsafe chimneys account for a significant number of injuries and deaths each year totaling more than $200 million in property losses every year. Since a damaged, deteriorating, or blocked chimney can cause chimney fires or carbon monoxide poisoning, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends having an annual chimney cleaning and chimney inspection each year.

San Diego Chimney Cleaning Experts

San Diego Chimney Cleaning - Kleen SweepEstablished in 2007 Kleen Sweep is a chimney cleaning and repair company providing chimney sweep services to San Diego county.

» Contact info and service areas

Chimney Sweeping: What we do.

    • We provide a thorough chimney cleaning which includes the removal of any deposits that have formed in the flue so that you can safely use and enjoy your fireplace or other heating appliances. Our state-of-the-art chimney sweeping tools allow us to tackle the dirty job of cleaning chimneys without leaving a mess behind in your home.
    • Our chimney sweep removes any creosote, soot, and other blockages from your flue lining. We also clean out your firebox, damper, and smoke chamber, leaving behind a clean and efficient chimney system.
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Clean Fireplace Clean Chimney Flue

  • If needed we will inspect your chimney crown and cap for deterioration and recommend a repair if necessary
    Kleen Sweep - Chimney Cleaning - Creosote Removal

    Matt Kastlunger – CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep


  • During your chimney cleaning, we will also report any hazards, deficiencies, or vulnerabilities discovered while performing the cleaning and then recommend repairs if needed.


Schedule a chimney cleaning and inspection

The most popular time to schedule your chimney cleaning is in spring and summer. We offer reduced rates! Before you even think of lighting the first fire of the season, don’t let a neglected chimney turn into a liability or safety hazard.

Kleen Sweep - Chimney Cleaning - San Diego CountyContact Kleen Sweep today! We perform inspections and chimney cleanings all year round.

619 460-6882   » e-mail

Protect your San Diego home

Every time you burn a fire in your fireplace, combustible by-products are deposited in the chimney flue in the form of creosote and soot. Creosote is a black, tar-like residue that is extremely flammable and soot is the miniscule, powder-like substance which colors smoke and consists chiefly of carbon. Hot embers from your wood burning fire may come in contact with these flammable deposits and potentially start a dangerous chimney fire.

The buildup of creosote and soot can also cause a dangerous blockage that not only interferes with the performance and efficiency of your fireplace, but lead to carbon monoxide backing up in your living area.

Don’t take chances with the safety of your home and family. Make sure that your chimney and fireplace system is cleaned and inspected annually to help prevent chimney fires and dangerous carbon monoxide Poisoning.